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Tea is obtained from the processing plant

Tea is obtained from the processing plant , especially the leaves of tea ( Camellia sinensis L ) which includes the family Theaceae . This type oituDomino.com JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA f plant origin is estimated from the Himalayan region as well as mountainous areas adjacent to India , the PRC , as well as Burma . This plant can thrive in subtropical and tropical areas with adequate sunlight conditions and rainfall throughout the year . Tea cultivation can be done at a height of up to 6-9 m . In the area of ​​plantations , tea plants were maintained until just limited to a height of 1 m with regular pruning . This is done in order to facilitate the process of picking the leaves to produce shoots that many leaves . To start the cultivation of tea , there are several factors that must be considered :PROCESSING AND QUALITY OF TEAObtained from the processing of the tea leaves of the tea plant ( Camellia sinensis L ) of familiaTheaceae . This plant is thought to originate from the Himalayas and the mountainous areas bordering the People's Republic of China , India , and Burma . These plants can thrive in the tropics and subtropics by demanding enough sunshine and rain throughout the year . Tea plants can grow to about 6-9 m high . In the tea plantations plants maintained only up to about 1 m tall with pemengkaan periodically . This was done to facilitate plucking the leaves and shoots in order to obtain quite a lot of tea dau .
Plants can be picked tea leaves generally begin to be sustained after the age of 5 years . With good maintenance of the tea plant may result in a large enough tea leaves for 40 years . Tea gardens therefore need to continue to obtain regular fertilizing , pest -free plant diseases , pruning properly acquire , obtain adequate rainfall . Tea gardens need to be rejuvenated after the tea plants aged 40 years and over .Tea plants can flourish in areas with an altitude of 200-2000 m above sea level . In areas of low generally less tea plants can give results quite high . Tea plants require soil that is deep and easy to absorb water . Plants are not resistant to drought and requires a minimum rainfall of 1,200 mm which is evenly distributed throughout the year .The results obtained from the tea leaves of the tea plant is plucked shoots once at intervals of 7 to 14 days , depending on the state of the plants in each region . How plucking leaf tea in addition to affecting the number of results , to determine the quality of tea it produces . Differentiated way of plucking fine ( fine plucking ) and how pewmetikan rough (coarse plucking ) . Plucking the leaves is still done by human labor , even in large part by women workers . To produce good quality tea plucking is necessary to smooth , ie : just pluck the leaves and shoots of the two leaves below it . There is also a medium that does the pick
BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA ing , the picking is also a delicate part of the third leaf below the leaf buds . Coarse plucking often do bebewrapa plantation ( people ) , namely : leaf plucking shoots with three or more leaves at the bottom , including the trunk .

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Best grown in a variety of soil types and soil conditions

Best grown in a variety of soil types and soil conditions with good drainage. The ideal pH is between 4.5 to 6.5 . Cultivation in the lowlands and have problems of stagnant water should be avoided because of jackfruit plants susceptible to bacterial disease that spreads easily in humid conditions. It is most appropriate in alluvial soil with good drainage. This plant Seasonbet77 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014 can also be grown in poor soil such as sand laterite soil and fertilizer should be enough . Crops are grown on land that is not fertile as the land bris is not recommended as the cost of fertilizer required is high.
Jackfruit tree can grow well in soil that is horizontal to the ground slope of 20 ยบ . In the area of horizontal drainage system should effectively be built before planting . Whereas in the slope above 12o , cultivation terraces or berpentas should be practiced . Planting of more than 20o terrain is not recommended to prevent soil erosion , especially in areas with prolonged monsoon season .
Preparation of seed crops:
Son of jackfruit tree can be propagated by grafting matatunas , wedge grafting and grafting sandingan . Common approach is matatunas grafting and wedge grafting (see listings guide ) . Child rootstocks have prepared in advance in the nursery . Or jackfruit jackfruit seeds can be used as rootstocks . The seeds obtained from mature or ripe fruit . Benefits of using jackfruit seed is that it can be obtained throughout the year. Before sowing , seedling box equipped with an irrigation system must be provided. Clean river sand is used as a medium nursery . Sand in
PokerVoVo.com Judi Poker Online dan Domino Kiu Kiu Uang Asli Indonesia  the nursery box should be as deep as 20 cm . Sand that can be used should be treated with dazomet Details 99.0 % with 40 gm/m2 month before the seeds are sown . Treatment aims to control soil fungi , nematodes and weed seeds can destroy .
Area of planting :

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Wait until it becomes an adult coral reefs and big fish

Wait until it becomes an adult coral reefs and big fish will be like to show up and play in the reef that you harvest . Coral reefs that have grown into adults will Poker757.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia be more and breed well and produce new tillers reef and then you can exploit to create a new reef animals .Step Maintenance of Coral Reef Stress
Coral reef conservation measures should also take place so that you can succeed in cultivating coral reefs . Coral reef is a marine animal so they can also stress . To overcome this problem as it occurs , you must perform the transplant process well . Do not forget to do the transport of water in a way that is good also placed first in a plastic container . This will reduce the incidence of stress on the coral reefs .Step Maintenance Operation Method
Maintenance techniques that one has to
SenangPoker.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia be done by all farmers coral reefs . This operating system will spend approximately 30 minutes . Other techniques you can do to transplant is to use cement , glue plasti , steel clamps and so forth . Please choose which technique you think is the most potent .

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At the age of 40-50 days of age of seedlings , mustard plants can be harvested already . For plants whose growth is good , every one acre of land can produce 1-2 tons of mustard greens . How to harvest mustard there are several kinds , namely :
BUAHPOKER.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA TERPERCAYA TANPA ROBOT  cut the base of the stem , pull out the entire plant , or pluck the leaves one by one .
Some of the activities conducted on post-harvest , which are:
1 . Bringing crops as soon as possible to the shade to prevent rapid wilting sun ,2 . Clearance mustard with soil attached to dispose of mustard or by cutting non-essential parts , then rinse with water to prolong freshness mustard ,Mustard plants ( caisim ) belongs to a class Dicotyledonae , order Rhoeadales ( Brassicales ) , included in the genus Brassica and Brassica juncea entered into species . These plants generally have leaves that are long , do not have fur , smooth and not berkrop . There is a variety of mustard plant ( caisim ) , including mustard ( caisim ) white , mustard ( caisim ) curly mustard ( caisim ) greens , mustard ( caisim ) huma and mustard ( caisim ) China . Mustard ( caisim ) is best known for mustard ( caisim ) used in China who like the meatball dish .
Article , Organic Vegetables , Tips and Tricks , mustard
Mustard ( caisim ) can be grown in a manner intercropping with other tanamah eg kale , spinach , carrots , or scallion . In addition , mustard ( caisim ) can also be grown in monoculture . Mustard ( caisim ) have several health benefits including digestion, cleanse the blood , cure headaches , may improve kidney function , eliminate scratchy throat in people who are coughing .
Here are some techniques in the cultivation of mustard ( caisim ) organically :
1 . Hatchery and land managementFor every hectare of land required approximately 750 grams of mustard seed ( caisim ) . Mustard seed ( caisim ) has a spherical shape and small size . Seeds to be used as seed must be considered long supply , temperature , type, level of water content and storage.
Land to be used as cropland mustard ( caisim ) , must be clean of rocks , grass , shrubs , and trees that can inhibit the development of mustard ( caisim ) . For the mustard plant ( caisim ) desperately need direct sunlight .
Land was prepared by adding organic fertilizer , such as compost or manure . If the soil pH is less , should be done first liming to neutralize it .
2 . HatcherySeeding conducted in conjunction with the
Dewapoker.com Poker Online Yang Pertama Dan Terbesar Di Indonesia  tillage of the soil for planting . For the nursery , usually prepared a specific place with a length and width of approximately 1 meter . Seeding should be done when the rainfall is more than 200 millimeters every month or when the rainy season .

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