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Tea is obtained from the processing plant

Tea is obtained from the processing plant , especially the leaves of tea ( Camellia sinensis L ) which includes the family Theaceae . This type oituDomino.com JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA f plant origin is estimated from the Himalayan region as well as mountainous areas adjacent to India , the PRC , as well as Burma . This plant can thrive in subtropical and tropical areas with adequate sunlight conditions and rainfall throughout the year . Tea cultivation can be done at a height of up to 6-9 m . In the area of ​​plantations , tea plants were maintained until just limited to a height of 1 m with regular pruning . This is done in order to facilitate the process of picking the leaves to produce shoots that many leaves . To start the cultivation of tea , there are several factors that must be considered :PROCESSING AND QUALITY OF TEAObtained from the processing of the tea leaves of the tea plant ( Camellia sinensis L ) of familiaTheaceae . This plant is thought to originate from the Himalayas and the mountainous areas bordering the People's Republic of China , India , and Burma . These plants can thrive in the tropics and subtropics by demanding enough sunshine and rain throughout the year . Tea plants can grow to about 6-9 m high . In the tea plantations plants maintained only up to about 1 m tall with pemengkaan periodically . This was done to facilitate plucking the leaves and shoots in order to obtain quite a lot of tea dau .
Plants can be picked tea leaves generally begin to be sustained after the age of 5 years . With good maintenance of the tea plant may result in a large enough tea leaves for 40 years . Tea gardens therefore need to continue to obtain regular fertilizing , pest -free plant diseases , pruning properly acquire , obtain adequate rainfall . Tea gardens need to be rejuvenated after the tea plants aged 40 years and over .Tea plants can flourish in areas with an altitude of 200-2000 m above sea level . In areas of low generally less tea plants can give results quite high . Tea plants require soil that is deep and easy to absorb water . Plants are not resistant to drought and requires a minimum rainfall of 1,200 mm which is evenly distributed throughout the year .The results obtained from the tea leaves of the tea plant is plucked shoots once at intervals of 7 to 14 days , depending on the state of the plants in each region . How plucking leaf tea in addition to affecting the number of results , to determine the quality of tea it produces . Differentiated way of plucking fine ( fine plucking ) and how pewmetikan rough (coarse plucking ) . Plucking the leaves is still done by human labor , even in large part by women workers . To produce good quality tea plucking is necessary to smooth , ie : just pluck the leaves and shoots of the two leaves below it . There is also a medium that does the pick
BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA ing , the picking is also a delicate part of the third leaf below the leaf buds . Coarse plucking often do bebewrapa plantation ( people ) , namely : leaf plucking shoots with three or more leaves at the bottom , including the trunk .

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